William Stevens
Systems Engineer
Emc2 Computer Solutions
P.O. Box 509
Barre VT 05641

Emc2 Computer Solutions specializes in Macintosh system integration and support. We are in a unique position to help you to identify your hardware and software needs; install and configure your hardware and software, train your employees and give you on-going technical and system support.
With over thirty years of experience, Emc2 Computer Solutions continues to provide support services to some of the largest businesses, government agencies, design firms, schools and colleges in Vermont.
Emc2 Computer Solutions is known as a leader in the design, installation, and support of Macintosh networks and the successful integration of Macs into cross-platform environments.
ServicesOn Site Support.
Troubleshooting and
Aid in Specifying Needs. (Pre and Post Purchase)
Operating System Software Updates.
Hardware and Software Technical
Hardware and Software Training.
Equipment Installation, Mac and PC Integration.
Networking WANs and LANs.
Programming and Applications Development.
Disk/Data Recovery.
call us @ 802-476-5800
email us @
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