Who Says Macs Aren't Used In Businesses?

Arik Hesseldahl
I was at the Hewlett-Packard analyst's meeting today and a funny Mac-related thing happened. I happened to sit right behind a four people folks from Soleil-Cross Research, three of whom were typing notes on MacBook Pros.
Read More...Apple gains control of critical digital download patent
A recent out-of-court settlement between Apple Computer and a Vermont-based inventor has landed Apple the rights to a prestigious software design patent that may allow the company to seek royalties on a broad spectrum of digital downloads.
Read More...U.S. Copyright Office issues new rights
Cell phone owners will be allowed to break software locks on their handsets in order to use them with competing carriers under new copyright rules announced Wednesday.
Apple's New Mac Pro Blows Away The Competition
Nov. 16, 2006 By Richard Hoffman - Courtesy of InformationWeek

fter two weeks with one of the new Mac Pro desktops, I've got only one word: "Wow. The new Apple Mac Pro desktop is one of the best-designed, highly-performing desktops currently available at any price. Not only does it run Mac OS X and OS X applications at absolutely blazing speeds, but if you install Parallels Desktop for Mac (or Apple's Boot Camp), the Mac Pro makes a better Windows workstation than almost any other Windows desktop out there.
The best keyboard Apple ever made rises again.
The Matias Tactile Pro Keyboard is built from the same premium keyswitch technology that Apple used in its original Apple Extended Keyboard, widely viewed as the best keyboard Apple ever made.
Apple To Deliver Seamless iPod Integration
To Deliver Seamless iPod Integration
CUPERTINO, California - August 3,
2006 -
pple® today announced it has teamed up with Ford Motor Company, General Motors and Mazda to deliver seamless iPod® integration across the majority of their brands and models, making it easy for iPod users to enjoy and control their iPod's high-quality sound through their car's stereo system. With the addition of these models, more than 70 percent of 2007-model US automobiles will offer iPod integration.